EP_CAP MINERAL MATCHES [ CHALCOPYRITE ] chalcopyrite FORMULA CuFeS2 marcasite SPEC GRAV.. 4.1 - 4.3 RARITY: 4 millerite HARDNESS.... 3.5 - 4.0 pyrite COLOR brassy yellow STREAK green-black CRYSTAL. [ Show a Graph ] CLEAVAGE Specific Gravity FRACTURE Hardness RANSPRN Best Cleavage This has narrowed USTER.. Rarity the list to 4 ABIT: minerals. The F7 assive key will let us see how these minerals compare he most widely occuring copper mineral and one graphically on rtant ore sources of that metal. several features. ccurs as an or ginal constituent of igneous Let's take a look. [ ESC: ist Scroll:PgUp,PgDn ] Matches: 4 F1:Help F7:Graphs F9:Paste F10:Notepad